Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the end, for now.

monday night, a close friend died in chicago, and i needed to be at home.

after weighing all of our options, john was a great sport and decided that we should both abandon ship and pick up this tour at a later date, beginning where we have left off.

so: we rode from chicago to montague, michigan, a total of 235 miles over three riding days.

diana drove from evanston to pick us up this morning (tuesday), and we drove back, pointing out various "we were there" landmarks along the way.

we'll fill in some more text and add some photos when we can.

thanks -

last night as we were arriving at the campground, i got a phone call.

a good friend in chicago has died suddenly and tragically, and i have to go home.

diana is coming to pick us up.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, June 1, 2009


there is a glorious sunset, which i find appropriate, given the day's events.

more tomorrow.

-- Post From My iPhone

white lake

6:40 pm, we're at peckadill's waitong for dinner, after which comes ice cream amd about a 1 mile ride to the campground in montague. 76 miles for the day so far. gah.

-- Post From My iPhone

monday morning

it's 2:30, and we're in norton shores ("norts in shorts"), on the southern edge of muskegon. this morning's rain cleared up before long, and we breakfasted in holland. back on the road, we wound past more vacation homes and found miles of great bike paths following the road. saw a beaver, deer, turtles, and yokels packed a dozen to the buick. eventually the sun was full-shining. mike, a biker we ran into in grand haven, saved us from getting onto route 31 due to our confusion. we're feeling good, though my feet are sore. john's achilles is much better now that he's lowered his seat. lunch is hot dogs, which makes me represent...

-- Post From My iPhone


RAIN. oh well, we would have hated waking up in a tent in this. thanks goes to our only sleeping option: the shagrai-la motel. breakfast is in holland, ten miles n.

-- Post From My iPhone