Sunday, May 31, 2009

into saugatuck

8pm now - we left the restaurant in south haven, where i last posted, and came out to find a couple groups of folks our parents' age looking at the bikes. we talked to them for a while, started to leave and noticed john had a flat tire. the folks just about panicked, but we explained it was a 5 minute repair. they were skeptical. john was in fine form.

we headed north along the lake shore, hoping to make it to holland tonight. we stopped at an overlook, and were approached by two couples on harleys, out for a ride. talked for a while. john's achilles is aching a bit, and the 50 year old woman in a leg brace gave him a handful of painkillers. john is proud to have taken drugs from a biker chick.

proceeded further n along the lake shore - lovely houses set back from the road. started to worry about making holland, settled for plan b: KOA campground in saugatuck. our road ran out (dead end) before it was supposed to, but right at that moment a couple in a car pulled up offering help. they were cyclists, and assured us that we could make holland tonight. back out to route A2, we headed n again. at one point we realized there was a boy on a BMX bike on the opposite sidewalk racing us.

our energy was too low to make holland, and we found the KOA had closed, so we're at the shangrai-la motel, and have ordered subs and salads for delivery.

68 miles today. we'll get an earlier start tomorrow, as i'll be asleep within the hour.

-- Post From My iPhone


goldscott said...

I'm jealous. Sounds like fun. Please take more pictures!

Christy said...

I'm about to drift off to sleep, worried about my sweetie's achilles (and his willingness to take drugs from stangers).

Hang in there, you two. The world is your oyster, no matter how far you get.